Gundiah Gazette
The Gazette Business Directory Community Groups Local History
  Gundiah Gazette promotes local history

Down Memory Lane has been a feature in the Gundiah Gazette since it's beginning. We will slowly add more detailed articles to this site as they become available. Our aim is provide a comprehensive local history, accessible to all.

We acknowledge the help and support of the Bauple Museum and Gundiah Community Inc in their efforts to provide accurate information each month. We also appreciate the efforts of local families to share their treasured photos and family stories.

Submit your histories or photos by email.

More Questions?
Call Trevor Keightley - 4129 2504
Sandra Kelly - 4129 3215



© The Gundiah Gazette 2011 – Local News and History
Serving Gundiah, Tiaro, Bauple, Glenwood, Gunalda, Gootchie, Netherby, Miva areas.
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